I know that it's been a while since our last post. It is very easy to let your job/school, lack of time and or issues stand in your way, hindering you from doing what God would have you to do. I remember when I was a teen I thought that if I were only 18, I would be happy, I could do what I want, nobody would be able to tell me what to do. WRONG! You will always be accountable for what you do, you have to be submissive to your parents and other authority figures. If you can't get that part right, how can you ever be useful to God?
Just this past week we had the privilege to take part in a "Community Outreach." Let me tell you, as an adult I felt like I knew it all. I was blown away, we just assume that everyone has grown up with a mom, aunt, friend etc. that had drug them to church (be serious, we all feel this way as a kid) or shared with them about Christ. We just all assume that there is a circle of people there who care for them and are there to teach them right and wrong. Let me tell you, there were kids there that were wondering the streets that I bet would have loved to actually have someone there to tell them what to do. What I did notice is these kids were not hindered by pride or pressure to be cool or fit in, they wanted forgiveness and wanted Christ to come into in their hearts...
What a humbling experience. I learned to take my eyes off of myself, what I wanted or didn't want to do. To be honest I was on vacation this week, I wanted to do what "I" wanted to do, and trust me it wasn't hanging out in the heat with no water involved! I wanted to go to the beach and relax... Then I met a young girl about 16, my oldest daughters age that had never actually been, she only dreams about it... Talk about a "slap of reality!"
So many things happened in that one day that will forever change the way I view things, and had I went with my (feelings) I would have missed it all.
I challenge all who may read this post, be it Maximum Impact or anyone else to take a moment and slow down to notice your surroundings. How many people do you walk by EVERY day that you don't even notice, because you are to busy looking at you. It may be a hug, prayer or even a simple smile letting them know you see them. It may mean nothing to you, but it could mean the world to the one on the receiving end.
Trust me it can change your life.. Happy Weekend and God Bless!